Michael and Carolyn Chandler
Lead Pastors
Michael & Carolyn founded Transformation in 2017. Their heart and passion is for everyone to have an encounter with God and grow into fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.

Jen & Joe Piper
Kid's Pastor / Security Director
This amazing couple brings excellence to both of their perspective ministries. Jen brings the fun to our kid's ministry, but also challenges our kiddos with God's word! Joe and his team are alert and ready to keep us safe!

Travis & Kim Pierce
Outreach & Missions Pastors
Travis and Kim are passionate about seeing people come to know Christ. Both have heart for missions and a call to bring Christ everywhere they go.
David & Le Chandler
Pastors Emeritus / Prayer Directors
As veteran Pastor's, David and Le bring decades of wisdom to our church as they help teach, train, and lead our prayer ministry at TC.

Josh & Kat Cacanindin
Worship Pastors
You can see and hear a heart of worship in this fantastic couple. Josh is a fantastic leader who is always listening to the Holy Spirit as he leads our congregation in worship.

Stina Prim
Youth Pastor
Stina is a youth ministry veteran who isn't scared to ask the hard questions! She has a passion for students and knows how to make learning about God fun!

Michael & Tami Romer
The couple is solid as a rock! They've been with us since our church launched and bring wisdom and integrity to our leadership team.

Andrew & Kathleen Villarreal
The Villarreal's are an amazing couple. They bring the heart of a servant to our team and always show compassion and love to everyone at TC.

Emily Bonson
Admin Assistant / Media Director
This girl can do it all! She's not only our Admin, but an accomplished artist and animator. Emily is the heart of our Media team and helps keep our systems on track.