On your mark... get set... GROW!

On your mark...
Every race has a starting point. It lets us know how to begin. That's exactly what Starting Point is. You get to connect with our Pastors, hear the story of transformation, and connect to the vision and mission of TC.
get set...
Running a race is so much easier when you have someone to cheer you on! Next Step gets you connected to a life giving small group and helps you understand where you can find a place to serve at TC.
When you are in the race, you need to find the right lane
to run in! Find Your Lane helps you explore your
spiritual gifts and possible ministries you should
to run in! Find Your Lane helps you explore your
spiritual gifts and possible ministries you should
It's important for those who run a race to know the track! If you don't, it can easily get off course. At Fast Lane you learn the core beliefs of TC and learn how to become a Covenant Partner.